Tuesday 15 January 2013

Invisalign braces, the invisible braces

chennai invisalign braces
Invisalign Treatment in Chennai | Image Courtesy: Invisalign

Invisalign takes a modern approach to straightening teeth, using a custom made series of aligners created for you. The aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that you simply wear over your teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually shift your teeth, into place based on the exact movements that we plan out for you. There are no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten. In no time you can achieve the confident smile you always wanted and the best part about the whole process is that most people wont even know you're straightening your teeth

With regular braces, you may experience some or all of the following: pain, discomfort, mouth sores or injuries caused by the brace wires, tooth decay (from inadequate brushing and flossing), plaque buildup, tooth discoloration, tooth/bracket breakage, or difficulty eating. As if that weren’t enough, there are also the personal sacrifices — popcorn, chips, sweets, chocolates…plus apples, carrots, corn and more.

With Invisalign, the aligner trays are not only smooth and comfortable to wear, but they're also removable. That means you can continue doing all the things you normally would, from brushing and flossing, to eating whatever you like. With other devices, brushing and flossing properly can often take up to 30 minutes. Special occasion coming up? No problem — just take your aligners out for that time and pop them back in when you're ready. Of course, even when you're wearing them, most people won't even know you're going through treatment, because they are virtually invisible!

Think of your teeth as a window to the health of your body. Your teeth and gums — and how they look to others when you smile—say a lot about your overall health. If you're taking good care of both, you're probably taking good care of the rest of you.
Tooth decay and gum disease are caused by bacteria. Left untreated, they can cause mouth sores, tender or bleeding gums, bad breath, and possible tooth loss. Studies have shown that oral infections can also lead to other more serious ailments such as heart disease, stroke, pneumonia and diabetes. Invisalign aligners make daily oral hygiene easier, thus reducing the risk of possible problems. And correctly aligned teeth can also alleviate the issues that can be caused by an improper bite, speech or chewing difficulties, jaw problems, and increased wear on the tooth enamel. Invisalign effectively addresses all of these orthodontic issues, so you'll have the confidence of a great smile and increase the likelihood of improved oral health.
For more details contact us at Dr. Smilez for invisalign braces or you can visit the Invisalign website

Invisalign Chennai
Invisalign Braces Chennai

1 comment:

  1. To get the invisible braces for lining up the crooked teeth, better visit any dentists who provide good dental braces in Chennai.
